There are currently 34,000 Ukrainian war refugees living in Estonia. ETV show “AK. Nädal” went to meet some of them to find out how they have adapted to life here and whether they see their future in Estonia or Ukraine. According to the Estonian Social Insurance Board (Sotsiaalkindlustusamet), in general,Continue Reading

A recent visit by a high-ranking U.S. military leader, Command Sgt. Maj. Black, to Sweden marked a significant moment in the growing defense partnership between the two nations. The visit provided an opportunity to discuss the evolving roles of non-commissioned officers (NCOs), review military capabilities, and highlight the recently signedContinue Reading

The navy also provided insight into the preparations required to enable a submarine – particularly an SSK – to conduct such adeployment. Preparations included capability augmentations, mission planning, and logistics. The Portuguese Navy’s Type 209PN Tridente-class SSK NRP Arpão conducted a 70-day deployment from home to the Arctic. Under OperationContinue Reading