Leserbrev Dette er et debattinnlegg, skrevet av en ekstern bidragsyter. Innlegget gir uttrykk for skribentens holdninger. Mulig jeg kaster en brannfakkel her, men jeg mener at de resterende 1.2 millioner vaksinedosene som Norge har opsjon på bør komme Norge og VÅRE utsatte helsearbeidere og andre til gode FØRST slik smittesituasjonenContinue Reading

Sweden on Wednesday extended a series of restrictions introduced to limit the spread of the coronavirus amid a rise in new cases. “Stay the course, the situation is serious. Once again, I would like to ask for a real effort,” Prime Minister Stefan Lofven said. He urged inhabitants to limit their social contacts andContinue Reading

Estonia will face critical electricity shortage soon if any concrete actions to improve the circumstances are not taken, writes Henri Ormus, a nuclear energy expert and a co-founder of Fermi Energia – a company that is proposing to build small nuclear energy plants in the country. First, most of theContinue Reading

Although children infected with Covid-19 usually suffer mild to moderate symptoms, it is better to avoid such a scenario, as there are often after effects, said pediatrician Dana Isarova, acting head of the Infection Control Service at the Children’s Clinical University Hospital. Isarova said that in more severe cases, childrenContinue Reading

Chairman of the opposition Conservative People’s Party (EKRE), Vice President of the Riigikogu Martin Helme and Minister of the Interior Kristian Jaani disagreed on the necessity of amendments to the Communicable Diseases Prevention and Control Act (NETS) on the “Otse Postimehest” webcast. Helme described the bill as seeking a policeContinue Reading

Osa Suomessa asuvista Suomen ja Venäjän kaksoiskansalaisista käy kotiseudullaan Venäjällä hakemassa koronarokotuksen. Näin teki esimerkiksi Kotkassa asuva eläkeläispariskunta Raisa Moukha ja Juri Gippoev. He kävivät jo tammikuussa hakemassa venäläisen Sputnik V -rokotuksen kotiseudultaan Petroskoista Karjalan tasavallasta. Syynä oli mahdollisuus saada rokotus nopeammin kuin Suomessa. – Se oli yksinkertaisempaa ja helpomminContinue Reading