The earlier conflicts among arctic stakeholders included disputes over natural resources including fisheries, delineation, conflict between the USA and Canada over war and peacekeeping identities. Conflict between Norway and Sweden where the union king was considered threat to Norway’s autonomy. Where circumpolar states including Sweden, Norway, and Greenland remained aContinue Reading

The Arctic region is increasingly becoming a new frontier for geostrategic competition between the powers. Moscow and Beijing see eye-to-eye on the need to preserve the Arctic as “a territory of peace, low military-political tension, and stability,” as President Vladimir Putin’s state visit to China underlined. Russia and China willContinue Reading

Referring to certain ‘provocative’ statements made by NATO leaders in recent days, Russia announced it would be holding tactical nuclear weapon drills. Russia said Monday it plans to hold drills simulating the use of battlefield nuclear weapons amid rising tensions following comments by senior Western officials about the possibility ofContinue Reading

A Lieutenant General with the Finnish Defence Forces told the British business daily that Finland is stepping up its already high level of preparedness in the face of an “increasingly aggressive Russia”. Finland has started storing military equipment in neighbouring Norway and will soon begin doing the same in Sweden,Continue Reading

Snipers are being deployed on rooftops this week ahead of the annual Eurovision Song Contest, with security forces scrambling to protect Israel’s delegation from Islamist threats.  Planned demonstrations from the city’s large and militant Muslim community threaten to tear apart the southern Swedish city of Malmö. With 100,000 visitors descendingContinue Reading