Center Party MP and Riigikogu finance committee chair Erki Savisaar would not answer directly the question on whether rumors he would replace Tõnis Mölder (Center) as environment minister during his appearance on ETV morning show ‘Terevisioon’. Mölder’s resignation, no reason given, was announced Tuesday evening and he is set toContinue Reading

Baltian maat ehdottavat, että Ukrainaa avustettaisiin EU:n johtamalla sotilaskoulutusohjelmalla. Ruotsi voisi tarvittaessa lähettää puolustusvoimien upseereita kouluttajiksi. Hultqvist antaa tuen Baltian ehdotukselle. – Tämä olisi erittäin tärkeä keino korostaa EU:n pyrkimyksiä Ukrainan turvallisuuden ja suvereniteetin takaamiseen, totesi puolustusministeri SR:lle. Huoli Ukrainan tilanteesta on kasvanut kun Venäjän väitetään lisänneen joukkojaan Ukraina itärajallaContinue Reading

Minister of Entrepreneurship and IT Andres Sutt signed an order to set up a new body called State Information and Communication Technology Center (RIT) which will be responsible for the organization of the standard ICT services of the country’s public sector institutions. The new center, which will bring together theContinue Reading

On Tuesday Parliamentary opposition parties formally announced they were seeking a vote of no confidence in Prime Minister Sanna Marin‘s (SDP) coalition government, calling into question the country’s preparedness to deal with hybrid threats. The interpellation was prompted by the ongoing situation at Belarus’ borders with Poland, Lithuania and Latvia,Continue Reading