Svidande kritik mot Joe Biden efter Afghanistantalet

USA:s president Joe Biden höll sitt kanske viktigaste tal hittills då han bestämt försvarade tillbakadragandet från Afghanistan. Men han får kritik från flera läger, inte minst från oppositionen. Inte ens bland demokraterna finns någon vilja att rusa till Bidens försvar. ”I månader har Biden och hans administration lovat att tillbakadragandetContinue Reading

The National Audit Office report “Accuracy and legality of transactions in state accounting in 2020” that was published on Tuesday revealed that all summary accounts of costs, expenses, investments and financing transactions in the 2020 state budget that was approved by the Riigikogu are false because the Ministry of FinanceContinue Reading

For 100 years Britain had been described as “the empire on which the sun never sets”. Britain was a powerful colonial power owning numerous colonies around the world. Today the word “colony” is no longer used in its original meaning, but the British Queen continues to perform her sovereign role,Continue Reading

With the global economic development the Arctic region has increasingly become important. Depletion of natural resources forces countries to exploit remote and hard-to-reach mineral deposits. International experts assess that Arctic accounts for about 13% of undiscovered oil, 30% of undiscovered natural gas, and 30% of freshwater in the world. Consequently,Continue Reading

EU Interior Ministers met on Tuesday evening to thrash out a response to the Afghan crisis, and Finland was represented there by Green leader Maria Ohisalo. Instinctively pro-immigration, Ohisalo might not have had a comfortable evening as the ministers argued about the use of the term ‘illegal immigration’. Euronews reportsContinue Reading