Former Auditor General, Director of the Estonian National Museum Alar Karis was elected the next president of Estonia with 72 votes of the 68 required on Tuesday. Karis will take office as president in October. The second round of voting in the 2021 presidential election saw Karis elected president betweenContinue Reading

The global oil market is gradually recovering from the crisis caused by the 2020 coronavirus pandemic. The increase in demand for oil, followed by restrictions cancellation in different countries, is natural and causes “black gold” supply shortages. Hence the need to increase oil production by the key exporters (Saudi Arabia,Continue Reading

Esko Varho Alkuperäinen syy sille, miksi Yhdysvallat hyökkäsi Afganistaniin, oli periaatteessa selvä. Pääosaa Afganistanista hallinnut äärijärjestö Taliban ei suostunut luovuttamaan syyskuun 2001 terrori-iskuihin syyllistyneen al-Qaida-terroristijärjestön johtoa, joka oli asettunut Afganistaniin. Yhdysvallat hyökkäsi jo lokakuussa 2001. Talibanin hallinto kaatui suorastaan hämmästyttävän nopeasti, muutamassa viikossa. Mutta se, mitä USA:n ja sen liittolaistenContinue Reading

The 101-seat parliament was unable to elect the new president of Estonia on Monday as the sole candidate in the ballot, 63-year-old Alar Karis, failed to secure the necessary majority of votes.  Karis, director of the Estonian National Museum, received 63 votes in the secret ballot.  There were 16 emptyContinue Reading

Finland’s operation to evacuate people from Afghanistan has not yet ended, according to the Foreign Ministry’s Special Representative for Afghanistan Pekka Kaihilahti, despite that the ministry announced the conclusion of air evacuations last week. The possibility of continuing evacuations by land through neighbouring countries has been discussed as one option,Continue Reading

Sveriges evakueringsarbete i Kabul är avslutat

Sverige har under fredagen avslutat evakueringsarbetet i Afghanistan. Totalt 1 100 människor har evakuerats av Utrikesdepartementet. Vid lunchtid på fredagen fanns ingen svensk personal kvar i landet. Under fredagen höll regeringen en pressträff om läget i Afghanistan. Utrikesminister Ann Linde (S) inledde med att fördöma torsdagens terrordåd. Gårdagens terrorattacker riktadeContinue Reading