Donald Trump

Blott 20 dagar före president Donald Trumps mandatperiod tar slut har den republikanledda senaten riktat en stark markering mot honom. Trump hade lagt in sitt veto mot nästa års militärbudget, men för första gången under hans tid som president gick partikollegorna emot honom och hävde hans veto. Senaten samlades tillContinue Reading

Sauli Niinistö delivered the president's traditional New Year’s address on Friday

President Sauli Niinistö addressed pandemic fatigue in his New Year’s speech on Friday, urging people to find the strength to carry on. He said hardship stemming from the virus was far from over despite vaccines beginning to roll out. Touching on vaccine hesitancy, Niinistö said vaccines will only improve theContinue Reading

The Finnish Constitution stipulates every male Finnish citizen is obligated to participate in national defence.

Less than one-third of 25 to 34-year-olds support the national conscription as it currently is. Finns’ support for conscription and national defence has decreased, according to a survey by The Advisory Board of Defence Information (MTS). Just over half (52 percent) of respondents believe Finland’s defence system should be basedContinue Reading

Extinction Rebellion activists protested by stopping traffic in central Helsinki in October before they were moved on by police using pepper spray.

Demonstrators were removed from the street after they sat down and blocked traffic. Several police are being investigated over claims of breach of official duties, but prosecutors have now added assault suspicions to their preliminary investigation into police actions to end a demonstration by climate activists that blocked traffic forContinue Reading

Taneli Puumalainen, chief physician at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare

The first batches of coronavirus vaccine may be delivered to Finland later this month, according to Taneli Puumalainen, chief physician at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL). Interviewed on Yle TV1 on Saturday, Puumalainen said that the initial doses will probably arrive between Christmas and New Year’s afterContinue Reading

Minister of Finance Matti Vanhanen said a common EU recovery plan is in Finland's interest

A majority of parliamentary groups have expressed their support for Finland’s participation in the EU’s Covid recovery plan. Minister of Finance Matti Vanhanen (Cen) said that EU’s joint plan supports Finland’s and the EU’s recovery from the economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic. SDP MP Johannes Koskinen brought upContinue Reading

President Donald Trump har valt att genomföra ytterligare en truppreträtt från Afghanistan. Beslutet har väckt kritik i Washington och oro inom Nato.

President Donald Trumps beslut att drastiskt minska den amerikanska truppnärvaron i Afghanistan är inte i sig överraskande. Trump har upprepade gånger lovat kalla hem de amerikanska soldaterna och det avtal som hans administration förhandlat fram med talibangerillan öppnar vägen för att göra det. Men reträtten är inte populär inom denContinue Reading

Distriktet Lachin som ligger mellan Armenien och Nagorno-Karabakh, var det tredje och sista området som överläts till Azerbajdzjan

Armenien har överlämnat Lachin, det tredje och sista området till Azerbajdzjan, så som man kom överens om i fredsavtalet om enklaven Nagorno-Karabakh. Distriktet Lachin ligger i en landkorridor mellan Armenien och Nagorno-Karabakh, där ryska soldater hädanefter övervakar säkerheten. Armenien hade tidigare överlåtit två andra distrikt som bägge ligger utanför enklavenContinue Reading