Estonia is providing training courses to help Ukrainian healthcare professionals develop their post-amputation rehabilitation skills and knowledge. Twenty specialists from hospitals in Kyiv and Zhytomyr took part in the first course, which ended last week, in Tallinn. The training is designed to cover the principles and possibilities of modern rehabilitation.Continue Reading

BERLIINI Sekä Saksan että Ranskan johtajat kokoontuivat maanantaina käsittelemään maahanmuuttoa, josta on nopeasti tullut kummassakin maassa politiikan kuumin peruna. Kummassakin maassa päättäjät ovat pahasti sukset ristissä siitä, mitä pitäisi tehdä. Saksassa kunnat vaativat liittovaltiolta ja osavaltioilta lisää rahaa pärjätäkseen nopeasti kasvaneiden tulijamäärien kanssa. Majoituspaikkoja ei ole tarpeeksi, koulu- tai päiväkotipaikoistaContinue Reading

Tensions mount in Oslo as long-simmering conflict over EU energy rules comes to the fore. Norway’s government risks crisis over a contentious package of EU energy bills. The center-left Agrarian Party has previously threatened to quit the administration in Oslo if the EU’s Clean Energy for All Europeans Package isContinue Reading

In September 2023, the total production of industrial companies decreased by 12.5 percent at constant prices year on year, Statistics Estonia reports. Output fell in two sectors: by 37.6 percent in electricity production and by 10.9 percent in manufacturing. In mining, output remained almost at the same level, as theContinue Reading

Finland is progressing with its acquisition of a high-altitude air defence system, jointly developed by Israeli company Rafael and US firm Raytheon. The 316 million euro purchase has moved into the negotiation phase, with the procurement agreement expected to be signed in the coming months. The sale to Finland receivedContinue Reading