More than 1,000 troops from the UK, U.S., and France were given medals for serving with NATO forces in Estonia on Wednesday. Mission medals were presented to: the 1st Battalion of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers from the United Kingdom, the 1st Infantry Regiment (1er régiment d’infanterie) participating in Mission Lynx fromContinue Reading

A preliminary study into new nuclear construction carried out by Vattenfall in Sweden found government aid was essential to encourage investment, the utility said on Monday. “To achieve large-scale production regardless of technology, government support will be needed for the first units. Someone needs to take the risk with theContinue Reading

Finland has seen two major political strikes in the past few weeks alone, as trade unions voice their opposition to the government’s planned labour market reforms and cuts to social security benefits. In a survey carried out by Taloustutkimus, Yle asked respondents which of the government’s planned reforms they wereContinue Reading

Helmikuun aikana puolustusvoimien reservistä eronneiden määrä on noussut niin suureksi, ettei kaikille tahdo riittää vapaita paikkoja siviilipalvelus­velvollisten täydennyskoulutukseen. Reservistä eroavien aalto käynnistyi helmikuun alussa, kun puolustusministeri Antti Häkkänen (kok) kertoi Kyrönmaa-lehdelle ryhtyvänsä toimiin, ettei reservistä voisi enää erota. Myöhemmin ministeri pehmitteli puheitaan ja kertoi, ettei reservistä eroamista estäviä toimia nytContinue Reading