Swiss meteorologist Jörg Kachelmann calls it “the dumbest energy and environmental policy ever”. Now, finally, after years of being warned, Germany’s mainstream media are finally showing signs of waking up to it. Germany’s flagship ARD public broadcasting recently presented a report earlier today about how “CO2 neutral” wood burning isContinue Reading

The Norwegian parliament suffered a cyber attack during the past week and the e-mail accounts of several elected members as well as employees were hacked, the national assembly and a counter-intelligence agency said on Tuesday. “This has been a significant attack,” said Marianne Andreassen, the parliament’s non-elected chief administrator. AContinue Reading

Lithuania’s Deputy Health Minister Lina Jaruseviciene recently named a suspect in an investigation being carried out by the country’s Finance Crime Investigation Service handed in her resignation letter on Monday, the health minister’s spokeswoman Lina Businskaite said. In her words, Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga plans to satisfy her request onContinue Reading

Region Gotland har tillsammans med näringslivsorganisationer på Gotland anlitat Riddarsällskapet Torneamentum för att hjälpa till att minska risken för smittspridning av coronaviruset. Under de kommande högsommarveckorna kommer ”Covidriddarna” från Torneamentum att rida ut till välbesökta platser runt om på Gotland för att sprida budskapet ”Tillsammans tar vi ansvar”. De kommerContinue Reading