Trucks packed with military hardware could this weekend be seen in big numbers on the roads that connect northern Sweden and Finland with neighbouring Norway. Several of them carried tanks and heavy armoured vehicles. Sweden and Finland have participated in the bi-annual Cold Response for more than 15 years. ButContinue Reading

NATO’s two top operational-level commanders, General Jörg Vollmer and Vice-Admiral Daniel Dwyer, express high satisfaction with how Norway handles the challenges of sharing border to one of the most militarized regions of Russia. General Vollmer and Vice-Admiral Dwyer spent Sunday driving snowmobiles along Norway’s border to Russia. Guided by soldiersContinue Reading

Many of the company’s competitors have announced temporary suspension of operations in Russia, including firms like Continental, Michelin and Bridgestone. Finland-based tyre manufacturer Nokian Tyres said on Tuesday that it plans to increase production levels at its domestic and US factories but will continue production of passenger vehicle tyres atContinue Reading

Presidentti Sauli Niinistö kertoi amerikkalaiselle CNN-yhtiölle, että Putinin mukaan Venäjä ei missään vaiheessa ole tavoitellut presidentti Zelenskyin hallituksen kaatamista. Presidentti Sauli Niinistö kertoi CNN-televisioyhtiön haastattelussa viime perjantain keskusteluistaan Venäjän presidentti Vladimir Putinin kanssa. CNN:n haastattelijana oli toimittaja Christiane Amanpour, joka on maailmanlaajuisesti tunnettu sotakirjeenvaihtaja. Niinistö kertoi, että Putinin mukaan VenäjälläContinue Reading