Kreikka on viime aikoina vahvistanut muuriaan Turkin rajalla. Kun afganistanilaisia alkoi tänä syksynä saapua Turkkiin, se herätti maan sosiaalisessa mediassa voimakkaita reaktioita. Turkissa maan talouskurimus ja Afganistanista tulevien pakolaisten määrä ovat tiukentaneet turkkilaisten suhtautumista pakolaisiin ja siirtolaisiin. Afganistanilaisten maahantulon on arvioitu lisääntyvän sitä mukaa, kun äärijärjestö Talibanin paine Afganistanissa kasvaa.Continue Reading

Sunday marked polling day of the 2021 local government council elections in Estonia. Preliminary results put voter turnout at 54.7 percent, with record 275,587 votes cast electronically between Monday and Saturday. People supported election coalitions in most of Estonia’s 79 local governments, with Center proving the most successful political partyContinue Reading

Lithuanian Interior Minister Agne Bilotaite has refrained to comment on the parliamentary Committee on National Security and Defense’s information about several dozen migrants’ possible ties with terrorists. She told a press conference on Friday that services identify threats and members of the public should feel safe. “I would like toContinue Reading

Russian-speaking people in Estonia and Latvia live in the Russian world, writer and social anthropologist Erika Fatland writes in Norway’s largest daily Aftenposten. In an article entitled “Trapped in the Kremlin’s long shadows” (“Fanget i Kremls lange skygger”), Fatland says that thirty years after the collapse of the Soviet Union,Continue Reading

Dunja Mijatovic, the Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, has called on Lithuania to respect its international human rights commitments in the current migration crisis, and Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte has said in response that irregular migrants attempting to crossing into the country can hardly be considered refugees. “ItContinue Reading