Starting from Monday, August 9, travellers arriving from Monaco must undergo double testing and quarantine entry at government-provided quarantine facilities, as the country has been added to the dark red category, the Norwegian authorities have announced. The colour-coded system, assessed by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health from July 5,Continue Reading

The Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian defense ministers have agreed to coordinate their response to the migrant crisis, calling it Belarus’s “hybrid attack” against the Baltic countries, the EU and NATO. The three Baltic ministers held a video conference on Wednesday to discuss the worsening security situation in the region amidContinue Reading

Finland’s head of government, Sanna Marin (SDP), is by far the country’s most popular Prime Minister of this century, according to the results of a survey conducted by news group Uutissuomalainen. Roughly one in three respondents favoured Marin as the best PM Finland has had throughout the 2000s, and sheContinue Reading

Oslon katedraalissa pidetään muistojumalanpalvelus Anders Behring Breivikin 77 uhrille. Norjan pääministeri Erna Solberg pitää puheen, ja kuningasperhe laskee seppeleen uhreille. Tuomiokirkossa muistojumalanpalvelus kello 12 Oslon tuomiokirkossa pidetään uhrien muistojumalanpalvelus kello 12 Suomen aikaa. Tuomiokirkon muistojumalanpalveluksen saarnan pitää piispa Kari Veiteberg ja entinen pääministeri Jens Stoltenberg pitää puheen. Norjan kuningas HaraldContinue Reading

Kinesiske hackere sto bak datainnbruddet mot Stortinget. Det fastslår utenriksminister Ine Eriksen Søreide (H). Både USA og Nato går ut med samme anklage. Utenriksministeren har kalt inn Kinas ambassadør på teppet etter datainnbruddet i Stortingets e-postsystemer tidligere i år. Stortinget varslet 10. mars om datainnbrudd i sine e-postsystemer. Innbruddet bleContinue Reading

Den årligen återkommande större marinövningen Baltic Operations, idag väl mer känd under det kortare och mer använda Baltops, genomförs i år för femtionde gången. Deltagande styrkor kommer från inte mindre än 16 Natoländer: Belgien, Danmark, Estland, Frankrike, Italien, Kanada, Lettland, Litauen, Nederländerna, Norge, Polen, Spanien, Storbritannien, Turkiet, Tyskland och USA.Continue Reading

Lavspenningspolitikk er avgjørende for å hindre bruk av atomvåpen – også i Norge. Tydelig nei til atomvåpen på norsk jord har siden 50-tallet vært sentralt i strategien for å sørge for at Norge ikke skal bli en slagmark eller mål i en stormaktskonflikt, som i verste fall innebærer bruk avContinue Reading

The Centre Party deputy chairman Jaanus Karilaid said that he recommends rejecting the state budget strategy, since he considers cuts and redundancies impractical in the present situation. How united was the cabinet about the cuts? It is always easier to increase spending rather than revise customary spending patterns. The taskContinue Reading