Centre Party of Finland calls for government confidence vote over EU joint debt

Prime Minister Petteri Orpo (NCP) has indicated that Finland would be willing to take on more EU joint debt if no other means of supporting Ukraine can be found.

The opposition Centre Party has submitted an interpellation question to parliament over the government’s willingness to take on more European Union joint debt.

Prime Minister Petteri Orpo (NCP) has indicated that his government would be open to accepting more joint debt if no other means of funding support for Ukraine can be found.

Antti Kurvinen, chair of the Centre Party’s parliamentary group, told a press conference on Tuesday afternoon that the Finnish government’s attitude towards EU aid packages is “confused and vague”.

“Ministers have made contradictory statements about what the Orpo government really thinks about joint debt, but we have to trust the position of the Prime Minister leading the government. He has said that joint debt is possible in some situations,” Kurvinen said.

Interpellation questions usually lead to a plenary debate between the government and opposition parties, followed by a vote of confidence in the government.

The four-party administration, led by PM Orpo, has faced multiple confidence votes since taking office just under a year ago — including over its economic policies, its handling of labour market reforms, and cuts to health and social services.

The subject of EU joint debt has sharply divided opinion in Finland, with a recent poll by the Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA finding that around half of people in Finland were opposed to increasing the amount of debt, while one in five supported it.

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