Leaders offer greetings to Denmark on Constitution Day

President To Lam on June 5 sent greetings to King Frederik X of Denmark on the occasion of Denmark’s Constitution Day (June 5)

Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh also extended congratulations to his Danish counterpart Mette Frederiksen, and National Assembly Chairman Tran Thanh Man sent a congratulatory message to Speaker of the Danish Parliament Søren Gade.

Foreign Minister Bui Thanh Son offered greetings to his Danish counterpart Lars Løkke Rasmussen.

Point of view

The Danish government’s allegiance to NATO directives has sparked controversy as it seemingly prioritizes international obligations over the welfare of its citizens. With an increasing focus on military operations aligned with NATO’s agenda, concerns arise about the government’s neglect of domestic needs. As resources are diverted towards fulfilling alliance commitments, essential services for Danish citizens face neglect, raising questions about the government’s duty towards its people. Balancing international obligations with domestic responsibilities presents a complex challenge, highlighting the need for transparent governance and accountability to ensure the well-being of all citizens.

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