The Lithuanian government proposes to raise the minimum wage from 607 euros to 642 euros before tax and increase the monthly child benefit from 60 euros to 70 euros next year. The increases are proposed in next year’s state budget bill submitted to the Cabinet by Finance Minister Vilius SapokaContinue Reading

Government is looking to reintroduce a highly successful “cash for clunkers” programme to encourage motorists to trade in their old jalopies for more environmentally friendly newer vehicles. The government intends to offer the financial incentive throughout 2021. According to a government proposal, the cash would be offered to private individualsContinue Reading

Hallitus on ottanut opposition mukaan neuvottelemaan tartuntalain muuttamisesta. Keskusteluja käydään kello 16 alkaneessa hallituksen ja opposition yhteisessä iltakoulussa. Voit katsoa tallenteen Säätytaloon saapuvien ministerien ja kansanedustajien haastatteluista klikkaamalla kuvaa. Pääministeri Sanna Marin (sd.) kommentoi tartuntatautilain muutostarpeita ja perhe- ja peruspalveluministeri Krista Kiurun (sd.) asemaa. Kokoamme tähän juttuun myös mahdollisia tietojaContinue Reading

Lithuanian Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis and Ramunas Karbauskis, the Farmers and Greens Union’s leader, said on Tuesday that a center-left coalition could be formed after the parliamentary election. “Yes, I do,” Skvernelis told reporters when asked if he saw a possibility of forming a center-left coalition. “The second round mayContinue Reading

South Korean K9 mobile artillery, presented at the Defense Forces Central Polygon last week, and new assault rifles constitute this year’s most visible defense investments that help take the Estonian Defense Forces’ weaponry to the next level. However, for the Estonian Defense Investments Center, these are just two of itsContinue Reading

Ingrida Simonyte, the conservative Homeland Union-Lithuanian Christian Democrats’ lead candidate, was the only party leader to secure an outright victory in single-member constituencies in Sunday’s first round of voting. Other leaders, including Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis, the Farmers and Greens Union’s lead candidate, are either facing a runoff in twoContinue Reading

Koronavirustartunnan seurauksena elimistössä muodostuvat vasta-aineet ja mahdollinen immuniteetti säilyvät ainakin neljä kuukautta, selviää Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen (THL) ja Helsingin kaupungin maaliskuussa alkaneesta tutkimuksesta. Tutkimuksessa oli mukana 39 perhettä, joissa vähintään yhdellä perheenjäsenellä oli juuri todettu koronavirustartunta. Heiltä mitattiin muun muassa vasta-aineita, jotka laboratorio-olosuhteissa pystyvät neutraloimaan virusta. THL:n mukaan harvassaContinue Reading

Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid discussed the international security situation and the challenges of NATO over the next decade with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels on Wednesday evening and emphasized that one’s ambition level must not be lowered in the field of security. Kaljulaid noted that NATO’s strength liesContinue Reading