Test use of coronavirus contact-tracing app starts today in Finland
THE FINNISH INSTITUTE for Health and Welfare (THL) has announced the test use of a mobile app designed to identify people who have been exposed to the new coronavirus will begin on Tuesday, 4 August. The app enables people to contain the spread of the virus and protect themselves andContinue Reading
The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) says Covid-19 cases in Finland have been traced to Sweden
THE FINNISH INSTITUTE for Health and Welfare (THL) says in its weekly report on the so-called composite strategy to combat the new coronavirus that new infections that have likely originated abroad have been detected in Finland. Some of the cases and chains of transmission have been traced to Sweden, accordingContinue Reading
Youth unemployment count swells by 50,000 during corona crisis
The coronavirus shock has made it more difficult for young people to transition to working life, one researcher says. The coronavirus crisis has cut employment by more than 50,000 among young people, according to fresh data. New figures from Statistics Finland indicate that in June this year there wereContinue Reading
Norjalaisesta luksusristeilijästä tuli koronalinko – ainakin 40 ihmisellä virustartunta
Ainakin 40 norjalaisen risteilyalus M/S Roald Amundsenin kyydissä ollutta ihmistä on saanut koronavirustartunnan. Kun alus saapui perjantaina Huippuvuorilta Tromssan satamaan, uutisoitiin, että neljällä laivan henkilökunnan jäsenellä oli todettu tartunta. Luksusristelijäksi kuvaillun aluksen 158 hengen suuruiselle miehistölle tehdyt testit ovat sittemmin osoittaneet vielä 32 virustartuntaa aiemmin ilmoitettujen lisäksi. Miehistö jäi perjantaistaContinue Reading
Finland’s health agency set to recommend face mask use
Finland’s health agency (THL) could recommend the wearing of face masks in public spaces and on public transport next week, says one leading official. Mika Salminen of the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) told @Yle that the agency is to meet early next week to decide on anContinue Reading
Coronavirus in Baltics: Daily cases continue to grow in Lithuania, Estonia
In the past day to Thursday, July 30, Lithuanian health authorities have registered 19 new infections with the novel coronavirus. Estonia followed with nine new cases and Latvia was the only Baltic country not to have a faster increase in newly confirmed cases compared to the day before. Lithuania hadContinue Reading
US taps new Arctic envoy amid increased competition, environmental damage from climate change
A senior US official said the ice melt was an “opportunity” for economic growth. The U.S. State Department has named a new special envoy for the Arctic amid increased competition with Russia and China for influence in the region, which is facing some of the most damaging effects ofContinue Reading
Travel to epidemic areas increases risk of coronavirus infections in Finland
As the borders open, travel and holidays abroad will increase. The Government still recommends avoiding unnecessary travel to countries other than countries where restrictions on entry have been waived. Pursuant the Constitution of Finland, Finnish citizens are always entitled to return to Finland, and everyone has the right toContinue Reading
Lithuania brings back mandatory face masks in shops and public transport
The Lithuanian government decided on Wednesday to reintroduce the requirement to wear face masks in shops and on public transport as of Saturday in a bid to curb the spread of the coronavirus. “We’ll ask the public to wear masks in indoor public spaces, including retail and services points,Continue Reading