Kinesiske hackere sto bak datainnbruddet mot Stortinget. Det fastslår utenriksminister Ine Eriksen Søreide (H). Både USA og Nato går ut med samme anklage. Utenriksministeren har kalt inn Kinas ambassadør på teppet etter datainnbruddet i Stortingets e-postsystemer tidligere i år. Stortinget varslet 10. mars om datainnbrudd i sine e-postsystemer. Innbruddet bleContinue Reading

In north-eastern Estonia, an oil spill has been found near the Baltic Sea Port of Sillamäe. On Sunday, July 18, the Estonian Police and Border Guard Board’s Maritime Surveillance Centre was notified of 20 or more litres of oil spilled into the Baltic Sea. The responsible services accessed the siteContinue Reading

Suomessa 156 uutta koronatartuntaa Suomessa on raportoitu maanantaina 156 uutta koronatartuntaa, kertoo Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos THL. Yhteensä tartuntoja on Suomessa todettu 100 312 koronatartuntaa. Eniten uusia tartuntoja havaittiin Helsingin ja Uudenmaan sairaanhoitopiirin alueella, 120. Varsinais-Suomen sairaanhoitopiirissä raportoitiin 11 uutta tartuntaa. Muissa sairaanhoitopiireissä tartuntoja havaittiin vain muutamia tai ei lainkaan.Continue Reading

According to the ruling conservative Homeland Union – Lithuanian Christian Democrats, the bill is being proposed by the ruling majority in the parliament in cooperation with leaders of the majority of opposition groups. “In recent weeks, we have seen the government’s widespread effort to fight hybrid aggression. Therefore, demonstrating unityContinue Reading

Active cooperation among the Baltic states will help more successfully to overcome the consequences from the Covid-19 pandemic, said Latvian parliament speaker Inara Murniece (National Alliance) during the meeting of the Baltic parliament speakers in Riga on Thursday. The Saeima press service reported that the Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian parliamentContinue Reading