More and more countries are opting for third vaccine shots. People belonging to risk groups will get their third vaccine shots in Germany and France in September. Israel recently announced as much. Estonia sees no need for third jabs yet. Israel said in late July that it will immunize peopleContinue Reading

The Council of the opposition Lithuanian Farmers and Greens Union has on Friday eliminated MP Tomas Tomilinas as a member of the party amid his conflict with the party’s leader Ramunas Karbauskis. 52 members of the Council voted in favor of his elimination, six were against and three abstained, theContinue Reading

The National Alliance’s Saeima faction is concerned that by making Covid-19 vaccination compulsory, teachers may decide to leave their posts, which would negatively affect the quality of education, said NA board chairman and parliamentary deputy Raivis Dzintars. On Monday, 26 July, members of the National Alliance’s Saeima faction met withContinue Reading

Suomessa 156 uutta koronatartuntaa Suomessa on raportoitu maanantaina 156 uutta koronatartuntaa, kertoo Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos THL. Yhteensä tartuntoja on Suomessa todettu 100 312 koronatartuntaa. Eniten uusia tartuntoja havaittiin Helsingin ja Uudenmaan sairaanhoitopiirin alueella, 120. Varsinais-Suomen sairaanhoitopiirissä raportoitiin 11 uutta tartuntaa. Muissa sairaanhoitopiireissä tartuntoja havaittiin vain muutamia tai ei lainkaan.Continue Reading