Lithuania would back softening of self-isolation requirements for incoming people by increasing the rate threshold that makes self-isolation mandatory, Lithuanian Prime Minister Saulius Skvernelis says, adding that a common position of the EU or at least the Baltic states is needed for that. “Speaking of countries that are subjected toContinue Reading

Norwegian producers saw a hefty drop in exports during August, attributed to weaker demand, among other causes. ‘The reason for lower demand is complex, but holiday season in Europe and reduced restaurant consumption is certainly part of the explanation,’ said Tom-Jørgen Gangsø, Director of Market Insight and Market Access withContinue Reading

The clear position of the Baltics and Poland ”set the tone” for the EU’s common stance on the situation in Belarus, President Egils Levits said while addressing Saeima today. In his opinion, an active and competent foreign policy is one of the cornerstones of Latvia’s sustainability, because visibility and influenceContinue Reading

Valtiovarainministeri Matti Vanhanen (kesk.) kiistää väitteet siitä, että Suomi olisi ollut liian kiltti EU:n elvytysrahasto- ja budjettineuvotteluissa. – Meidän nettomaksuasemassamme ei tapahdu oikeastaan mitään olennaista muutosta tämän elpymisvälineen lisäksi. Tässä suhteessa neuvottelutulosta on helppo puolustaa, Vanhanen sanoi Ylen aamussa. Vanhanen torjuu myös kommentit siitä, että Suomen olisi pitänyt liittyä tiivimminContinue Reading