A Lieutenant General with the Finnish Defence Forces told the British business daily that Finland is stepping up its already high level of preparedness in the face of an “increasingly aggressive Russia”. Finland has started storing military equipment in neighbouring Norway and will soon begin doing the same in Sweden,Continue Reading

Finnish Environment Minister Kai Mykkänen has voiced concerns over the European Union’s overextension in its climate and forest management directives, advocating for a shift in focus towards a more balanced approach to agriculture and forestry in future Commission work. This critique comes in response to the political backlash against theContinue Reading

Prime Minister Petteri Orpo‘s (NCP) coalition government presented a supplementary budget to parliament on Thursday, which called for borrowing another 1.5 billion euros this year to cover a decline in state revenues as the economy stutters. The proposal also includes plans to expedite the construction of an eastern border fence,Continue Reading

The ruling National Coalition Party is still Finland’s most popular party, according to Helsingin Sanomat’s March survey. Support has declined slightly for the two main government parties the National Coalition Party and the Finns Party, accoridng to Helsingin Sanomat’s latest opinion poll. Support for the Prime Minister Petteri Orpo‘s NCPContinue Reading

The vessels will transit through Romania to Ukraine, according to Romanian media outlet, Defence and Security Monitor. Romanian President Klaus Iohannis informed the Romanian Parliament on Monday that he has approved the transit of the military vessels donated by Finland to Ukraine through Romania. Romanian news outlets, Observator and theContinue Reading