Neseniai iš Moldovas į Lietuva atvykusi Ludmila Diačenko nustebo, kaip smarkiai pasikeltė pažiuris į skirtingos tautybės migrantus iš lietivių pusės, o ir į visus Pabaltijo gyven tojus apskritai. Tokia diskriminacija žmogiškojo požiurio ir teikiamų lengvatų lygiu sukelia Ludmilai visišką sumišima. Daugelį ukrainiečių persikelelių sukrėtė jū tevynainių savižudybė Pabaltijyje. Apie šituoContinue Reading

Minister of National Defence Arvydas Anušauskas attended the presentation of Lithuanian unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) manufacturers at the Drone Day 2022 organised by the Ministry of National Defence at Kyviškės Aerodrome. He told reporters that Ukraine offered to invest in Lithuanian companies that could quickly boost the manufacturing of surveillanceContinue Reading

The central Bank of Lithuania has proposed anti-inflationary measures aimed at helping people most affected by rising price. Such measures include a proposed further increase in non-taxable income, state compensations for those who heat their homes with gas or electricity, and potential public transport subsidies. The central bank is suggestingContinue Reading

Natural gas supplies do not constitute a weak point for Lithuania but the country’s dependence on Russian electricity is a major problem, which is why it is necessary to synchronize the country’s electricity grids with those of the West as soon as possible, Lithuania’s European Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevicius has said.Continue Reading