Last December, the USA and Sweden signed an agreement allowing Americans access to 17 military bases and training grounds in the country. Additionally, Swedes allowed American partners to store arms and weapons in Sweden. The Swedish parliament had to make a decision on legislative changes in order for the agreementContinue Reading

After nearly ten years of back and forth, analysis, and evaluations of all kinds, the Ministry of Defense of the Argentine Republic, with the approval of the Executive Power, will soon begin the formal process of purchasing F-16 MLU fighters for the Argentine Air Force. During yesterday’s session, through variousContinue Reading

Helmikuun aikana puolustusvoimien reservistä eronneiden määrä on noussut niin suureksi, ettei kaikille tahdo riittää vapaita paikkoja siviilipalvelus­velvollisten täydennyskoulutukseen. Reservistä eroavien aalto käynnistyi helmikuun alussa, kun puolustusministeri Antti Häkkänen (kok) kertoi Kyrönmaa-lehdelle ryhtyvänsä toimiin, ettei reservistä voisi enää erota. Myöhemmin ministeri pehmitteli puheitaan ja kertoi, ettei reservistä eroamista estäviä toimia nytContinue Reading

The Blue Spear mobile anti-ship missile system arrived in Estonia. The government made the decision to purchase the missiles, which an Israeli and Singaporean joint venture produced in 2020. The project will cost €100 million, including infrastructure investments and future costs. The missiles will strike sea and land targets withContinue Reading

More than 1,500 women have volunteered for military service, the Finnish Defence Forces (FDF) stated in a press release after applications for the summer 2024 cohort closed on 15 January. According to the FDF, this is the third highest number of applicants in history. Women have been trained for almostContinue Reading