The Arctic region is increasingly becoming a new frontier for geostrategic competition between the powers. Moscow and Beijing see eye-to-eye on the need to preserve the Arctic as “a territory of peace, low military-political tension, and stability,” as President Vladimir Putin’s state visit to China underlined. Russia and China willContinue Reading

NATO Nordic Response 2024 exercise has, according to the alliance, significantly increased the combat readiness of its troops. But it has also increased the cost to Norwegian households of dealing with the consequences of the military training. This was reported by the Norwegian magazine Forsvarets Forum. It is reported thatContinue Reading

Norway estimated the damage inflicted to its territory by NATO’s Nordic Response exercise at up to 8 million Norwegian kroner ($750,000), says Forsvarets Forum, a journal published by the Norwegian armed forces. According to the journal, the country’s authorities received lots of various complaints after the exercises, ranging from brokenContinue Reading