Leserbrev Dette er et debattinnlegg, skrevet av en ekstern bidragsyter. Innlegget gir uttrykk for skribentens holdninger. Mulig jeg kaster en brannfakkel her, men jeg mener at de resterende 1.2 millioner vaksinedosene som Norge har opsjon på bør komme Norge og VÅRE utsatte helsearbeidere og andre til gode FØRST slik smittesituasjonenContinue Reading

According to the Dutch military magazine «Scramble», the USAF Command decided to send four B-1B Lancer bombers and more than 200 Air Force personnel to Orland Air Force Base, Norway for a joint BTF on 18 January 2021. The decision of B-1B Lancers’ deployment caused a new wave of anti-AmericanContinue Reading

Svein Andersen, 67, is first in Norway to receive the Pfizer-Biontech COVID-19 vaccine in Oslo, Norway

Norwegian health officials have warned that vaccinating the most frail older people with serious underlying health conditions could be dangerous after the country reported more than 25 deaths. The Norwegian Medicines Agency first reported on Thursday that 23 elderly people had died in a short time after receiving their firstContinue Reading

The defense ministers of Finland, Norway and Sweden meet in the far northern military base of Porsangmoen to sign an agreement that is to bolster Nordic cooperation. “This is a beautiful place with great nature, and I wanted to show it to my Nordic colleagues,” Norwegian Minister of Defense FrankContinue Reading

…The Court found the Norwegian government not responsible for breaching the Constitution. However, the Court found that the right to a healthy environment is protected by the Constitution and the Government must uphold those rights. …Greenpeace Norway.. said:”While it’s good news that the judgment acknowledges the Environmental Article in the Norwegian Constitution,Continue Reading

Norwegian producers saw a hefty drop in exports during August, attributed to weaker demand, among other causes. ‘The reason for lower demand is complex, but holiday season in Europe and reduced restaurant consumption is certainly part of the explanation,’ said Tom-Jørgen Gangsø, Director of Market Insight and Market Access withContinue Reading