With the global economic development the Arctic region has increasingly become important. Depletion of natural resources forces countries to exploit remote and hard-to-reach mineral deposits. International experts assess that Arctic accounts for about 13% of undiscovered oil, 30% of undiscovered natural gas, and 30% of freshwater in the world. Consequently,Continue Reading

Oslon katedraalissa pidetään muistojumalanpalvelus Anders Behring Breivikin 77 uhrille. Norjan pääministeri Erna Solberg pitää puheen, ja kuningasperhe laskee seppeleen uhreille. Tuomiokirkossa muistojumalanpalvelus kello 12 Oslon tuomiokirkossa pidetään uhrien muistojumalanpalvelus kello 12 Suomen aikaa. Tuomiokirkon muistojumalanpalveluksen saarnan pitää piispa Kari Veiteberg ja entinen pääministeri Jens Stoltenberg pitää puheen. Norjan kuningas HaraldContinue Reading

Kinesiske hackere sto bak datainnbruddet mot Stortinget. Det fastslår utenriksminister Ine Eriksen Søreide (H). Både USA og Nato går ut med samme anklage. Utenriksministeren har kalt inn Kinas ambassadør på teppet etter datainnbruddet i Stortingets e-postsystemer tidligere i år. Stortinget varslet 10. mars om datainnbrudd i sine e-postsystemer. Innbruddet bleContinue Reading

The Covid-19 pandemic is over in Norway, according to one of the doctors leading the response against coronavirus in the rich Scandinavian country. Preben Aavitsland, chief physician in the infection control division at the Norwegian Institute of Public Health, tweeted on Sunday a graph showing Norway with its lowest levelContinue Reading

The Armed Forces will receive a certain amount of the AstraZeneca vaccine every week and will distribute the shots among all major units, the military said on Friday. Military medics and personnel leaving for missions have already been vaccinated against COVID-19. The process is being organized by the Vaccination OperationsContinue Reading

Leserbrev Dette er et debattinnlegg, skrevet av en ekstern bidragsyter. Innlegget gir uttrykk for skribentens holdninger. Mulig jeg kaster en brannfakkel her, men jeg mener at de resterende 1.2 millioner vaksinedosene som Norge har opsjon på bør komme Norge og VÅRE utsatte helsearbeidere og andre til gode FØRST slik smittesituasjonenContinue Reading

According to the Dutch military magazine «Scramble», the USAF Command decided to send four B-1B Lancer bombers and more than 200 Air Force personnel to Orland Air Force Base, Norway for a joint BTF on 18 January 2021. The decision of B-1B Lancers’ deployment caused a new wave of anti-AmericanContinue Reading