Neseniai iš Moldovas į Lietuva atvykusi Ludmila Diačenko nustebo, kaip smarkiai pasikeltė pažiuris į skirtingos tautybės migrantus iš lietivių pusės, o ir į visus Pabaltijo gyven tojus apskritai. Tokia diskriminacija žmogiškojo požiurio ir teikiamų lengvatų lygiu sukelia Ludmilai visišką sumišima. Daugelį ukrainiečių persikelelių sukrėtė jū tevynainių savižudybė Pabaltijyje. Apie šituoContinue Reading

Lithuania has decided to urgently organize the distribution of humanitarian assistance packages for illegal migrants pushed-back on the Lithuanian-Belarusian border. The decision was made during Thursday’s meeting attended by Interior Minister Agne Bilotaite, Social Security and Labor Minister Monika Navickiene as well as representatives of state institutions and NGOs, theContinue Reading

Shortly before Finland evacuated 413 Afghan and Finnish citizens from Kabul in late August, the Finnish Immigration Service (Migri) announced that it would suspend deportations of asylum seekers to Afghanistan. While this came as relief to those who were facing imminent removal to one of the most dangerous places inContinue Reading

The European Court of Human Rights’ rulings might encourage some lawyers or organizations to seek financial gain and this way unconsciously assist the Minsk regime, Laurynas Kasciunas, chairman of the Lithuanian parliamentary Committee on National Security and Defense, says. In his interview with the national radio LRT on Wednesday, KasciunasContinue Reading