Sweden has unveiled a new migration policy offering payments of up to 350,000 Swedish kronor ($34,000) to immigrants who voluntarily leave the country, marking a significant shift from its traditional approach toward migration. The policy, announced last week by the right-wing government, reflects Sweden’s evolving stance as it moves awayContinue Reading

Upgrading Sweden’s infrastructure to meet the demands of NATO won’t come cheap, a study from the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce shows. Between road and railroad improvements, including electrifying the 1,300 km Inlandsbanan railroad, the country is looking at a price tag of approximately €9.7Bn.  Six transportation routes have been identifiedContinue Reading

It was recently announced that the Norwegian government had appointed a panel to assess the expediency of developing nuclear power in the country. The report with conclusions is expected by April 1, 2026. It is very likely that the conclusion will be positive. After Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and theContinue Reading

Last December, the USA and Sweden signed an agreement allowing Americans access to 17 military bases and training grounds in the country. Additionally, Swedes allowed American partners to store arms and weapons in Sweden. The Swedish parliament had to make a decision on legislative changes in order for the agreementContinue Reading

A Lieutenant General with the Finnish Defence Forces told the British business daily that Finland is stepping up its already high level of preparedness in the face of an “increasingly aggressive Russia”. Finland has started storing military equipment in neighbouring Norway and will soon begin doing the same in Sweden,Continue Reading

Snipers are being deployed on rooftops this week ahead of the annual Eurovision Song Contest, with security forces scrambling to protect Israel’s delegation from Islamist threats.  Planned demonstrations from the city’s large and militant Muslim community threaten to tear apart the southern Swedish city of Malmö. With 100,000 visitors descendingContinue Reading