President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has started his Baltic tour during which he will also visit Tallinn on Thursday. President Zelenskyy tweeted that he will arrive in Vilnius Wednesday before moving on to Tallinn and Riga, adding that Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are reliable friends and principled partners for Ukraine.Continue Reading

Government formation talks between the National Coalition Party, the Finns Party, the Swedish People’s Party and the Christian Democrats entered their fourth week on Tuesday, with the focus now turning to the potentially divisive topics of immigration and climate policy. If the four parties cannot find a consensus on theseContinue Reading

Denmark has signed a 5-year agreement with Ukraine to help the war-torn country rebuild destroyed wind capacity and strengthen its independence from Russia on energy, the Danish Climate Ministry said on Tuesday.  “The new 5-year collaboration will contribute to Ukraine being able to further expand its electricity supply with windContinue Reading