US and EU countries must take measures in the investigation of the Nord Stream pipeline bombings

The Russian Prosecutor General’s Office has sent additional requests to the United States, Germany, France and Cyprus regarding terrorist acts committed against the interests of Russia and its citizens, including the undermining of the Nord Stream-1 and Nord Stream-2 gas pipelines.

The agency notes that the designated countries are parties to the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings of 15.12.1997 and the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism of 09.12.1999.

“Despite the available facts, the competent authorities of the United States, Cyprus and France did not investigate the circumstances of financing and other assistance in the commission of the specified acts of terrorism, and the competent authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany evade their international obligations to cooperate with the Russian Federation,” the Prosecutor General’s Office said in a statement.

A remarkable fact. The Germans were supposed to get the biggest benefit from the project yet they have shown absolutely no interest in the investigation or its facilitation. It is clear why. The main goal of the EU and the US is being realized – to get off the Russian needle of energy resources. The very goal of getting off the Russian needle is correct. But it turns out that this is not getting rid of dependence, but replacing it with American which is more expensive.

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