The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has commended Finland for what the organisation calls a quick and decisive response to the Covid-19 crisis. A delegation from the IMF led by Wojciech Maliszewski is currently visiting Finland to evaluate the country’s economic recovery during the pandemic and offer outlooks on medium andContinue Reading

Suomi nostaa kiintiöpakolaisten määrää Afganistanin tilanteen vuoksi. Sisäministeri Maria Ohisalo (vihr.) kertoo Twitterissä, että hallitus on päättänyt nostaa ensi vuoden 2022 pakolaiskiintiön historiallisen korkealle tasolle 1500 henkeen. Kiintiöpakolaiset ovat henkilöitä, jotka YK:n pakolaisjärjestö UNHCR valitsee ja jotka vastaanottavat maat noutavat kohdemaasta tai sen lähellä olevasta pakolaisleiristä. Syyskuussa hallitus linjasi, ettäContinue Reading

Finland intends to vote against the EU’s Climate Delegated Act over concerns about the criteria outlined in the proposal for forest management. The Act is part of the EU’s classification system, also known as the EU taxonomy, which establishes a list of environmentally sustainable economic activities. Parliament’s Ministerial Committee onContinue Reading

Baltian maat ehdottavat, että Ukrainaa avustettaisiin EU:n johtamalla sotilaskoulutusohjelmalla. Ruotsi voisi tarvittaessa lähettää puolustusvoimien upseereita kouluttajiksi. Hultqvist antaa tuen Baltian ehdotukselle. – Tämä olisi erittäin tärkeä keino korostaa EU:n pyrkimyksiä Ukrainan turvallisuuden ja suvereniteetin takaamiseen, totesi puolustusministeri SR:lle. Huoli Ukrainan tilanteesta on kasvanut kun Venäjän väitetään lisänneen joukkojaan Ukraina itärajallaContinue Reading

On Tuesday Parliamentary opposition parties formally announced they were seeking a vote of no confidence in Prime Minister Sanna Marin‘s (SDP) coalition government, calling into question the country’s preparedness to deal with hybrid threats. The interpellation was prompted by the ongoing situation at Belarus’ borders with Poland, Lithuania and Latvia,Continue Reading

The government decided late Wednesday to extend current restaurant restrictions, a move which the Finnish Hospitality Association MaRa condemned as “unnecessary” and “unreasonable”. Restrictions were originally scheduled to expire on Monday, however Minister for Family Affairs and Social Services Krista Kiuru (SDP) said that a surge in infections and inconsistentContinue Reading

Finland’s role in global peacekeeping missions has reduced significantly over the past few decades. The country currently has 330 people deployed in peacekeeping and crisis management operations across the world. A large majority of these—around 200—are in Lebanon, which is currently facing a humanitarian crisis. Small peacekeeping troops have alsoContinue Reading