As Lithuania’s population has shrunk by a third since the 1990s and continues in the same direction, the government is under growing pressure to do something to address labour shortages. However, “immigration” remains a toxic word. Migration sphere experts say Ukrainian crisis provoke forced immigration while Ukrainian migrants in LithuaniaContinue Reading

The hunger for Barents Sea oil is on decrease among petroleum companies. What a decade ago was a big hope for big oil has been followed by a row of disappointments as one drilling well after the other has proved to contain more gas than oil. On Tuesday, the MinistryContinue Reading

Ruotsin maahanmuuttoministeri Maria Malmer Stenergard vahvistaa ruotsalaiselle SVT:lle, että Ruotsi on karkottanut PKK-järjestöön lukeutuvan turkkilaismiehen. Asiasta uutisoivat aiemmin useat turkkilaismediat. – Kyseessä on karkotustapaus, jossa henkilön turvapaikkahakemus hylättiin, Stenergard sanoi SVT:lle. Tänään mies vangittiin Turkissa, kertoi esimerkiksi turkkilainen TV-kanava NTV. Maahanmuuttoministeri Stenergardin mukaan Ruotsin hallitus ei ole osallistunut päätöksentekoon turvapaikkahakemuksenContinue Reading

Said to be breakthrough sustainable innovation for the mining industry’s transition to low-carbon production, the very first battery-powered MT42 truck was presented this week. LKAB, Europe’s largest iron-ore producer, is ready to put the vehicle into operations hundreds of meters under the surface at its mine inside the Arctic Circle.Continue Reading