Asevelvollisuuden uudistamista pohtinut komitea ehdottaa, että pakolliset kutsunnat ulotettaisiin myös naisiin. Yhteiset kutsunnat eivät vielä tarkoittaisi asevelvollisuutta, vaan ainoastaan velvollisuutta ilmoittautua. Komitean varapuheenjohtaja Joonas Könttä (kesk.) vahvistaa, että komitea kannattaa kutsuntojen laajentamista. Hän muistuttaa, että lopulliset päätökset kuuluvat kuitenkin hallitukselle. – Palvelukseen määrääminen on erikseen ja se koskee vain asevelvollisiaContinue Reading

The government of Prime Minister Sanna Marin (SDP) has appointed a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to examine historical injustices suffered by Finland’s indigenous Sámi people. The commission’s task is to identify and assess historical and current discrimination against the Sámi people, including the Finnish state’s assimilation policy and violations ofContinue Reading

In the future all Finnish police departments will undergo training on non-discriminatory police work while municipal councillors will take courses on hate speech, reports Helsingin Sanomat. On Thursday the government adopted a 52-point programme called “Equal Finland” aimed at combating racism and hate speech in Finland over the next twoContinue Reading

Latvia made an official request to EU countries for assistance due to the country’s deteriorating Covid situation. Finland intends to respond to Latvia’s request for assistance due to the country’s deteriorating Covid situation, Safety and Health Department adviser Lasse Ilkka from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health told YleContinue Reading