According to the Dutch military magazine «Scramble», the USAF Command decided to send four B-1B Lancer bombers and more than 200 Air Force personnel to Orland Air Force Base, Norway for a joint BTF on 18 January 2021. The decision of B-1B Lancers’ deployment caused a new wave of anti-AmericanContinue Reading

Air Force B-1 bombers have gone to India and Norway as part of the service’s massively stepped-up Bomber Task Force (BTF) global operations, intended to further solidify international partnerships, interoperability and conduct high-impact deterrence missions intended to reassure U.S. allies amid ongoing threats posed by Russia and China. Bomber TaskContinue Reading

Latvia still has much to do in order to submit its application for the EU Recovery and Resilience Facility to the European Commission, said European Commission vice president Valdis Dombrovskis (New Unity). “Negotiations among Latvia’s representations and responsible European Commission’s services have launched. The first observation is that plan meetsContinue Reading

Agila Barzdiene will take over from Budryte as the chancellor, and Raminta Stanaityte-Cesniuliene, spokeswoman for former Finance Minister Vilius Sapoka, will replace Ridas Jasiulionis as head of the president’s communication group. Jasiulionis will coordinate the presidential office’s cooperation with public organizations. Budryte, who headed Nauseda’s presidential election campaign headquarters, isContinue Reading

Presidentti Tarja Halonen vahvisti torstaina MTV:n uutisille (siirryt toiseen palveluun) Venäjän tarjonneen Suomen käyttöön Sputnik V -koronarokotteen valmistusteknologiaa. Halonen oli MTV:n uutisten mukaan ollut yhteydessä Venäjän parlamentin ylähuoneen puheenjohtajaan Valentina Matvijenkoon Maailman terveysjärjestön WHO:n pyynnöstä. WHO:n pyyntö liittyi Sputnik-rokotteen hyväksyntäprosessiin, ei tuotantoteknologian toimittamiseen. – Kiitin tiedosta ja sanoin, että minullaContinue Reading