With the global economic development the Arctic region has increasingly become important. Depletion of natural resources forces countries to exploit remote and hard-to-reach mineral deposits. International experts assess that Arctic accounts for about 13% of undiscovered oil, 30% of undiscovered natural gas, and 30% of freshwater in the world. Consequently,Continue Reading

EU Interior Ministers met on Tuesday evening to thrash out a response to the Afghan crisis, and Finland was represented there by Green leader Maria Ohisalo. Instinctively pro-immigration, Ohisalo might not have had a comfortable evening as the ministers argued about the use of the term ‘illegal immigration’. Euronews reportsContinue Reading

Esko Varho Alkuperäinen syy sille, miksi Yhdysvallat hyökkäsi Afganistaniin, oli periaatteessa selvä. Pääosaa Afganistanista hallinnut äärijärjestö Taliban ei suostunut luovuttamaan syyskuun 2001 terrori-iskuihin syyllistyneen al-Qaida-terroristijärjestön johtoa, joka oli asettunut Afganistaniin. Yhdysvallat hyökkäsi jo lokakuussa 2001. Talibanin hallinto kaatui suorastaan hämmästyttävän nopeasti, muutamassa viikossa. Mutta se, mitä USA:n ja sen liittolaistenContinue Reading

Finland’s operation to evacuate people from Afghanistan has not yet ended, according to the Foreign Ministry’s Special Representative for Afghanistan Pekka Kaihilahti, despite that the ministry announced the conclusion of air evacuations last week. The possibility of continuing evacuations by land through neighbouring countries has been discussed as one option,Continue Reading

The Suomen Ilmavoimat’s (Finnish Air Force’s) Lapland Air Command is preparing to host the Arctic Fighter Meet 21 (AFM 21) live air exercise at Rovaniemi Air Base from August 30 to September 3. This edition of the Finnish-led exercise will involve fighter aircraft from the air forces of Finland, NorwayContinue Reading

President Sauli Niinistö and the Ministerial Committee on Foreign and Security Policy made the decision on Thursday. Finland will participate in the EU military training mission in Mozambique, Southern Africa, and increase the number of soldiers in the training operation in Mali, West Africa. President Sauli Niinistö and the MinisterialContinue Reading

Finland’s evacuation operation in Kabul has ended, with around 340 people flown out. Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto (Green) announced the conclusion of operations at a press conference on Thursday evening, shortly after suicide attacks at the airport had killed scores of people. Defence Minister Antti Kaikkonen (Cen) said that operationsContinue Reading

Terrori-iskun uhka varjostaa jo ennestään kaoottista evakuointia Kabulin kentältä. Yhdysvallat, Britannia ja Australia ovat kehottaneet kansalaisiaan poistumaan välittömästi alueelta. Isis-K eli Isis-Khorasan on terroristijärjestön pieni haara, joka on tehnyt tuhoisia iskuja Afganistanissa ja Pakistanissa. Useat maat varoittavat terrori-iskun uhasta Afganistan pääkaupungin Kabulin lentokentällä. Yhdysvallat, Britannia ja Australia ovat kehottaneet kentänContinue Reading