Ministeriössä on viime viikot valmisteltu alueellisia rajoitustoimia, joita voitaisiin ottaa käyttöön tarvittaessa. Niistä keskustellaan hallitukessa. Matkustusrajoituksia on mahdollista muuttaa myös useammin kuin kahden viikon välein, mikäli tarve tulee, sanoo Ylen aamussa vieraillut sosiaali- ja terveysministeri Aino-Kaisa Pekonen (vas). – Jos tautitilanne pahenee, mikään ei estä hallitusta kiristämään tahtia. Päivittäin kuitenkinContinue Reading

On Thursday 23 new COVID-19 cases were confirmed in Lithuania. Overall, it adds to 219 confirmed coronavirus cases in the country. 442 patients are still recovering from the infection. 81 death from the novel coronavirus have been announced in the country. 13 other infected patients have died from other reasons.Continue Reading

Lithuania’s Deputy Health Minister Lina Jaruseviciene recently named a suspect in an investigation being carried out by the country’s Finance Crime Investigation Service handed in her resignation letter on Monday, the health minister’s spokeswoman Lina Businskaite said. In her words, Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga plans to satisfy her request onContinue Reading

THE FINNISH INSTITUTE for Health and Welfare (THL) says in its weekly report on the so-called composite strategy to combat the new coronavirus that new infections that have likely originated abroad have been detected in Finland. Some of the cases and chains of transmission have been traced to Sweden, accordingContinue Reading